Home New South Wales Sydney Sydney Hair Salons Hair @ Wentworth |
Wentworth Connection, 61 Phillip Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia
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You can book at Hair @ Wentworth Sydney online using our Book Now button located above. Select from a list of services offered, pick your favourite Hair @ Wentworth staff member and book from the dates available.
Located in the luxurious surroundings of the Wentworth Connection, Hair @ Wentworth has a range of hair and makeup services designed to create a new you. Our internationally trained team has years of experience in all aspects of the hair industry. If you are looking for a unique hairstyle this is the salon for you! Our products include the Original & Mineral hair products, fantastic for people with sensitive skin, and the world renowned Keune colours.
Reviewed by 817 customers (view comments)
The overall ranking and star rating is based on customer reviews received in the last 6 months. All customers that paid for a service at Hair @ Wentworth were requested to complete an independent review by mylocalsalon (a minimum of 26 reviews are required within the last 6 months to receive a ranking).
Overall | Environment | Care |
Service Quality & Prof. Advice |
Value for money |
Ultimate Question (Referral) |
Opening Hours
Payments Accepted |
Ladies Cut | Mens Cut | Childrens Cut | Blowdry | Upstyle |
Highlights | Permanent Colour | Lightening | Semi-Permanent Colour | Straightening |
Waves |
Brands Stocked
What our customers are saying about us
Commented reviews only
Warriewood. 19 Jun 2013 |
Overall | Environment | Care |
Service Quality & Prof. Advice |
Value for money |
Ultimate Question (Referral) |
East Lindfield 19 Jun 2013 |
Rockdale 18 Jun 2013 |
Overall | Environment | Care |
Service Quality & Prof. Advice |
Value for money |
Ultimate Question (Referral) |
Sydney 16 Jun 2013 |
Killarney Heights 14 Jun 2013 |
Paradise Point 05 Jun 2013 |
Overall | Environment | Care |
Service Quality & Prof. Advice |
Value for money |
Ultimate Question (Referral) |
I have going to Renee Coppin for the past 8 years and always look forward to my visit. They make you feel very welcome, the staff are very friendly, it's like a home away from home. You are offered coffee, tea or champagne while relaxing having your hair done. Renee is fantastic cutter and stylist and Natalie a terrific colour consultant. My daughter Alexandra goes as well as my husband John, so we are a really family affair. In fact my husband went before me and recommended for me to go, I would be only to happy to refer anybody to visit.Renee Coppin